This range of buildings ran east / west across the middle of the compound, parallel to the main front block.
Rear Block Eastern Extensions
Rear Block from the South East, 1992, D073
Showing inmates dining room with ward above, also note covered way to infirmary and office building.
The block was extended to the east in at least 2 stages, probably as part of various enlargements carried out in 1873 and 1895 to provide more space for the sick ward without having a new building. It also had an unusual projection at 45° from the south east corner containing toilets.
After the opening of the Infirmary, the ground floor became the men and women’s dining rooms. The top floor became accommodation for infirm inmates, and later became Ward 5.
Western Extension
South Side of the Western Rear Block,1992, D038
The Children’s Block is on the left, the kitchen at the right end,
note the many window styles due to its piecemeal development.
The western part of the original block was much extended and became the main kitchens. The gap between the rear block and the Children’s Block had been in-filled with a range of toilets and washrooms by 1886. Later a first floor was added to provide accommodation for a live-in member of staff.
By 1992 the toilets had been remodelled to provide a corridor between the kitchen and the Children’s block which was then the staff dining room.