About Us
The group began in 1973 as an adult evening class sponsored by the Workers Education Association. It met in the Percival Guildhouse – Rugby’s independent adult education centre. The evening classes lasted for about 6 years building up a small group of regulars. When the formal classes stopped the regulars formed an independent group.
The Group’s principal activity is mutual support in furthering the research of its individual members. However we work as a group when a suitable project, such as the production of a book, has been identified. The aim of the Group is to hold fortnightly meetings at two venues during the Autumn and Spring. These meetings are held at the Rugby Museum on the first Wednesday of each month and at the Merchants Inn in Little Church Street on the third Wednesday of each Month. The meetings will start at 2:00 pm. During the Summer, these meetings may be replaced by visits to local places of interest.
Contact Details John P H Frearson
Email: johnphfrearson@btinternet.com
Mobile: 07976 577723
Post: 7 Curie Close, RUGBY CV21 3PE
List of articles in Aspects Books
On this site we try and provide some information about the history of the town and where to find more. The school and its game have produced a high international profile for Rugby but here we concentrate on the story of the town itself. The 20th century developments in electrical engineering and other industries would have made the name known around the world without the William Webb Ellis effect. Rugby School has its own web site.
For the development of the sport the Rugby Football Union has some details, and the International Rugby Football Board has something on international developments. If you are looking at your family tree then the Rugby Family History Group will be of interest. If you are trying to follow up some detail of a your relative’s social activities or careers, then we may be able to help.